When God looked over the world, and His heart grieved at what He saw, there was one bright spot – Noah. Noah had a relationship with God so when God needed to talk about His plans, He spoke to Noah. This is what I am going to do and this is what I need you to do. The prophet Amos said that God doesn’t do anything with out revealing it to His prophets. Was Noah a prophet? His relationship with God, the things God told him, and what happened indicate he was.

Noah and God
The wickedness on the earth at this time caused God to regret making mankind. His heart was grieved. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. He was just, righteous, and blameless in his generation. Thus God told Noah His plans to make an end to all flesh.
God’s Plan
Thus God told Noah about His plans and how He wanted him to build an ark for his family and to preserve the seed of the animals. The plans were specific and detailed. The materials to use, the exact measurements, and the direction to bring one male and one female of each species into the ark. God wanted to make His covenant with Noah, the one man He could shower His grace upon.
What Happened?
Noah obeyed God by following His directions. Then God shut him in. He was 600 years old. When he was 601 God directed him to go out from the ark. Noah built an altar and when God smelled the pleasing odor, He said He would never again curse the ground because of man’s sin. Then He promised that while the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night shall not cease. He then blessed them and told them to be fruitful and to multiply. At that time God also told Noah that the fear of man would be on the animals and they could now be eaten as He directed. He made His covenant with them and set His rainbow in the sky as a reminder that He would never again destroy the world by flood. When He looked on the rainbow, He would remember. Today these truths remain.
Was Noah a prophet? What do you think?
See 1 Peter 3:19 and 20 to understand the fullness of God’s mercy to those people who died in the flood.