A weary mother, hearing her baby giggle for the first time, forgets momentarily, the burden of motherhood and learns its reward. Stressed out business people, in a moment of laughter relax to become a true team, united in purpose. Mourners faced with death’s cold face, find laughter a warm breeze of comfort. God in His great mercy, gave us the gift of laughter to lift us emotionally, physically and socially.

The Bible says that a merry heart does good like a medicine. Secular resources weigh in too on the properties of a good laugh. It changes a sour mood, relieves stress, and improves our quality of life.
A proper laugh affects us physically. A study done in Norway found that those with a sense of humour live longer. Laughing for 10-15 minutes a day can burn 40 calories thus improving blood pressure and heart disease. In addition, it stimulates the brain to release happy feelings.
In it all, laughter benefits us socially. Have you ever noticed? When someone is laughing everyone around wants to know what caused it. It draws us closer together for whether a joke or a funny story, the fun is in the sharing. Laughter becomes contagious. Sometimes watching or listening to someone laughing adds to the fun and can keep it going.
God in His great mercy, gave us the gift of laughter to lift us emotionally, physically and socially. Thank you Father for this great gift.