The sun is scorching and Abraham seeks relief in the door of his tent when the LORD appears to him. Abraham seeing three men, runs to meet them, and bows down. After convincing them to stay awhile, he begins preparations to refresh his guests. On this day Abraham and Sarah experience an angelic visitation, offer them hospitality, and receive incredible news.

An Angelic Visitation
Stories of angelic visitations appear throughout the scriptures. God’s word came at times through angels. According to the writer of Hebrews, those who received the word through angels were held accountable as if God had spoken in person. Their word on this day was incredible to an aged couple who held to God’s promise to them.
Abraham responded with hospitality. He offered water for washing the desert sand from their feet and nourishment for their bodies; cakes, roasted calf, milk and butter. In the New Testament the writer to the Hebrews reminds his readers to always be hospitable because in doing so they might unknowingly entertain angels.
Incredible News
Abraham stood nearby as they ate. They asked where Sarah, his wife was. When he answered, they announced their return visit next year when Sarah would have a son. Consider this. This couple are nearing one hundred years of age. Sarah surpassed her child-bearing years decades ago. No wonder Sarah laughed within herself. It was humanly impossible. But the angel asked an age old question. “Is anything too hard for the LORD?” and reiterated the truth that on the next visit Sarah would have a son. The long awaited promise now had a time frame. On that glorious day, Abraham and Sarah experienced an angelic visitation, offered them hospitality, and received incredible news.