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  • The Mother of a Prophet

    Hannah, the young woman whose infertility sent her to God, became the mother of a prophet. Her son became the voice of God to the nation of Israel. In 1…

  • Hannah’s Story

    Hannah’s story is found in the first two chapters of 1 Samuel. It is a story of emotional upheaval. Her barrenness, and the provocation she received from her husband’s other…

  • An Unnamed Prophet

    Times were rough for the Israelites. Seven long years under the Midianites drove them into the dens and caves of the mountains. Impoverished, they cried out to the God who…

  • Deborah, A Mother in Israel

    For twenty years, a Canaanite king oppressed the Israelites. It occurred when they followed their pattern of ignoring God, until trouble forced them to cry out to Him for help.…

  • Balaam and His donkey

    Paul, in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, writes that all scripture was inspired by God, and is useful to equip the servants of God. The story of Balaam and his donkey in…

  • Was Noah a Prophet?

    When God looked over the world, and His heart grieved at what He saw, there was one bright spot – Noah. Noah had a relationship with God so when God…