The Blog.

Gratitude: For Who God Is

Let us express gratitude for who God is as displayed in His creation. In Romans 1, Paul writes, “For since the creation of the world, His invisible attributes are clearly

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Gratitude: For Creation

Entering into a new season, brings us to a time of thanksgiving. Accompany me in expressing gratitude for the wondrous gifts received from our heavenly Father. This week we focus

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Finished the Race

Abraham finished the race. He came to know God’s voice and to heed it. He learned that what God said, was true and faithful. This faith in God gave him

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The Power of Obedience

God desires first place in our affections and tests our hearts. In Genesis 22, God tested Abraham’s heart and found faith, more precious than gold which perishes. Abraham trusted God

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The Road to Obedience

In Genesis 22, we read about the greatest test of Abraham’s life. One component of the test is the foreshadowing of God the Father giving up His only Son, whom

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Abimelech and Abraham have had dealings before. Now, as Abimelech sees the prosperity of Abraham, he begins to feel insecure about having this man in his land. Therefore, he brings

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Joy and Sorrow Collide

The day was a day of celebration for Abraham and Sarah. Isaac, the long awaited heir had grown and was now weaned. Into this day of rejoicing, however, an old

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Promise Fulfilled

In Genesis 12, God called Abram out of his country and from his kindred. He promised to make him a nation and to bless all the families of the world

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God and Two Men

God deals in the affairs of man. Because He is not visible, it is easy to go our way and think otherwise. In Genesis 20, we read of God and

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Thinking It’s All On Them

Lot and his two daughters barely escaped judgement. As we read what happened next, we see only the facts. There is no judgement, although we know from the law given

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The Power of Prayer

Details within this story trouble me. The overpowering stench of evil permeates its words. But God. The phrase that makes all the difference in our evil world. God established such

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Abraham Intercedes

After the angel announced Isaac’s birth, they continued their journey to Sodom. At this time the author describes an interaction between the Lord and the angels. The Lord considered whether

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The sun is scorching and Abraham seeks relief in the door of his tent when the LORD appears to him. Abraham seeing three men, runs to meet them, and bows

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Abraham’s Family

As we continue through Genesis 17, new facts emerge. God and Abraham are discussing the conditions of their relationship. God required he live a blameless life before Him and presented

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The Seal

God gave His promises to Abram, and brought him to his new identity as Abraham. The covenant, however, had two sides. Abraham, though ninety-nine, had a part to play. “You

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I Am, You Are

Abram is now ninety-nine. He has one son named Ishmael. God is on the cusp of deeper relationship with Abram. In the first eight verses of Genesis 17, we contemplate

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A Merciful Father

In Genesis 16, Abram and Sarai have been ten years in Canaan. God promised an heir. Ten years in a culture where a barren woman is degraded was a long

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Abram’s God

There are serious topics in Genesis 15. It creates a sense of awe in me. I feel I am encroaching on holy ground. God accepted Abram’s faith and declared him

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Back Home

Abram returned home after his victorious battle, and his encounters with royalty. Knowing what fears haunted him, God communicated with him, through a vision. “I am your shield.” He said,

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Royal Encounters

(Genesis 14:16-24) Abram returned from battle with Lot, his people, and all their possessions. On the way he encountered two kings. These two encounters had not only earthly ramifications, but

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Trouble in the Land

This battle was not Abram’s. There was history of oppression and revolt among the people dwelling in the area, causing trouble in the land. Abram, God’s man, fought because of

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The Blessings and Strife

Abram, one of the great fathers of our faith had too many blessings. As he made his way back to the land between Bethel and Ai, where he had built

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Abram’s Presumption

In the course of the journey, Abram and his entourage encountered severe famine. This situation forced them into Egypt where Abram, rather than consulting God, acted out of presumption. In

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Abram Follows

Abram not only heard, but acted on the words God spoke to him. His actions impacted others as well. It took faith, determination and persistence, and it began with one

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