Paul, in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, writes that all scripture was inspired by God, and is useful to equip the servants of God. The story of Balaam and his donkey in …
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When God looked over the world, and His heart grieved at what He saw, there was one bright spot – Noah. Noah had a relationship with God so when God …
First known as seers, the prophets were the voice of God. Both men and women were given dreams, and saw visions of the future from the Holy Spirit. They had …
When God spoke to Cain prior to murdering his brother, he said, “Sin lies at the door.” Cain did not know of Jesus, who would in the fulfillment of time, …
Vineyards were a big part of the world Jesus lived in. He used familiar pictures like this one, to explain the workings of His heavenly kingdom. He described Himself as …
On the day Jesus spoke these words to Martha, her brother had been in the tomb for four days. He knew He would perform a miracle that day, as well …
When Jesus faced the cross, He knew the trials His followers would face. He comforted them with these words. “Let not your heart be troubled, you believe in God, believe …
The most comforting scripture in Christendom is Psalm 23, “The Lord is My Shepherd.” When Jesus came to earth He alluded to Himself as “the Good Shepherd.” The gift of …
Akin to the words of Isaiah in chapter 55, Jesus asks the crowd why they labour for food which perishes. He then declared Himself to be the bread of life. …
When our lives are confusing, lack direction, or are filled with fear, we need Jesus, the light of the world, to lighten our path. The gift of the first Christmas, …