Grandpa Ernie

In the quiet corners of an old rocking chair, amidst the scent of cedarwood and the soft glow of a fireplace, Grandpa spins a web of memories. His eyes twinkle as he transports his eager grandkids to a time long ago—a world where bicycles had wooden wheels, and ice cream cost a nickel.

Life is a collection of moments—some fleeting, some eternal. Grandpa’s stories remind us to savor the ordinary, cherish the extraordinary, and pass down our own whispers to the next generation.
“Grandpa Ernie” is a timeless journey—a bridge between generations. As Grandpa’s voice fades into the crackling fire, the grandkids hold tight to these threads of love, laughter, and legacy.

Join us on this nostalgic adventure, where memories bloom like wildflowers, and the past dances with the present.

The Cedar Chest

A feel good novel that follows a dearly loved woman in transition. Grace, now a widow, leaves the farm which has been an oasis when her husband retired from the pastorate, and moves to a small home in town near her eldest son. The chest handcrafted by her father, is a treasured possession linking her past to her future, becoming an object of connection throughout four generations.

Clara Priscilla Rose

Clara Priscilla Rose is a work of Christian fiction. It deals with real issues of grief and loss, anxiety and depression. Clara’s is one story of a life met by tragedy but intersected by love and grace. It illustrates what the Living God can do in one woman’s life. It is a picture of how God can work through the body of Christ. It contains messages of hope, stories of forgiveness, anecdotes of compassion and joy, health and healing.

Beyond Cloverleaf Lane

Jenny is reevaluating her life’s goals with a clearer sense of who she is as a Christian woman and how she fits into a newer understanding of her purpose. Her journey connects her with others who share her values, her purpose and her new mission in life. Jenny’s life is stretched beyond what before she never could have imagined and takes her to places she never dreamed possible.


When Jenny meets Ricky in Clara Priscilla Rose, it leads to a deeper relationship in Beyond Cloverleaf Lane. In Beginnings, Ricky and Jenny start their life together under summer suns and fragrant roses. When the change in seasons comes, how will they face life’s challenges? Will it draw them together or drive them apart? Will their hopes and dreams be realized or buried beneath the stress and strains of everyday life?

I Called Her Mom: A 20th Century Saint

The 20th Century, years of war, depression, and phenomenal change created the environment in which my mother was born and raised. This is her story of joy, sorrow, and ultimate victory.

about me

Feed the Spiritual

Feed the Spiritual

Journaling for years has prompted the desire to feed the spiritual needs of others through blogging and story telling.

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