When Jesus made his third visit, to the disciples after the cross, it was at the Sea of Tiberias. Some of the disciples, still felt a bit lost, and got together. Peter, the one upon whom Jesus will build His church, said, “I am going fishing.” So, one normal day, was touched with the presence of the resurrected Jesus, over a simple meal.
One Normal Day
The disciples saw Jesus, a couple of times since He had risen from the dead. But on this day they felt the pull of normalcy and went fishing. These men were fishermen. They were used to being on the water catching fish. And as happened at least once before, their night of toil yielded nothing.
The Resurrected Jesus
In the morning, the resurrected Jesus, stood on the shore. “Have you any food?” He thought about food, for in this story as in the previous, He asked if they have anything to eat? Then Jesus told them to cast their nets on the other side. Peter recognized the directive. Jesus brought Peter back to the event where he first recognized Him, the time he realized he was a sinful man, and had been called out to be a fisher of men..
A Simple Meal
When they arrived on shore, Jesus already had a fire going. They smelled the fish over the open fire and saw the bread. Jesus told them to bring some of the fish they caught and Simon Peter dragged the net in, full of large fish, one hundred and fifty three of them, yet the nets did not break. Then He called them to come and eat. They knew who it was. John writes, “Jesus then came and took the bread and gave it to them, and likewise the fish.” Jesus came to them, in their everyday of working and being hungry and revealed to them again, He was the Son of God. It was one normal day, touched with the presence of the resurrected Jesus, over a simple meal.