Home Women in Leadership Deborah, A Mother in Israel

Deborah, A Mother in Israel

by Esther Griggs

For twenty years, a Canaanite king oppressed the Israelites. It occurred when they followed their pattern of ignoring God, until trouble forced them to cry out to Him for help. Deborah judged Israel at this time and spoke for God. She called Barak with a command from God but was met with fear. Deborah, a mother in Israel, challenged Barak and God brought about a great victory which eased their troubles for forty years.

Deborah a Mother in Israel

Sometimes God needs a mother. Deborah was called a mother of Israel. The people looked to her for leadership in this difficult period in their history when people avoided main roads, travellers stayed on winding paths, and village life almost ceased. They had no shields or spears among their 40,000 warriors. Responding to the voice of God, things were set in motion to bring about victory. It wasn’t easy, but amidst the battle she talked to herself, “March on with courage, my soul.”


Deborah summoned Barak. In the New King James, it reads, she asked “Has not the LORD God of Israel commanded, saying ‘Go and deploy troops at Mount Tabor?'” Then she gave instructions and God’s promise, “I will deliver him into your hand?” It sounds like Barak received the command but did not follow through. Deborah laid it out, you have been called, this is what you are to do and this is what the LORD God will do. Did twenty years of oppression and lack of physical weapons kill his courage? Finally he said, “I will go, but only if you go with me.” Deborah said to Barak “I will go with you, but you will receive no honor in this venture, for the Lord’s victory … will be at the hands of a woman.”

God’s Victory

Barak, with Deborah at his side, gathered 10,000 warriors. When Sisera heard of it he called for 900 of his iron chariots and they marched to the Kishon River. Deborah gave the battle cry to Barak, “Get ready! This is the day the LORD will give you victory … for the LORD is marching ahead of you.” Sisera’s army panicked and all died, only Sisera escaped to the tent of a friend and lost his life when a woman’s kindness turned to brutality. Judges 5 is the great victory song.

Deborah, a mother in Israel, challenged Barak and God brought about a great victory which eased their troubles for forty years.

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