Home Bearing Fruit Jesus: The True Vine

Jesus: The True Vine

by Esther Griggs

Vineyards were a big part of the world Jesus lived in. He used familiar pictures like this one, to explain the workings of His heavenly kingdom. He described Himself as the true vine and His Father as the vinedresser. Using this metaphor Jesus taught us our true source, how we produce fruit and what makes us more productive.

Our True Source

“Abide in Me, and I in you,” Jesus said. In order to bear fruit we must abide in Him and He in us. He is the life source. Through reading the Bible and prayer we learn to live in Him.

Produce Fruit

By living in Him, by being attached to the vine, we produce fruit. We, like the branch, being attached to the vine, the Spirit flows life through us to produce fruit. If we maintain our life by uniting with Christ, and allowing His words to produce life in us, we will produce much fruit.

More Productive

If a branch doesn’t bear fruit, God the vinedresser removes it. If it produces fruit, He prunes it so it becomes more productive. Farmers know the value of cutting off the dead branches and are witnesses to the fruit which comes after pruning. Bearing fruit brings glory to God and makes us His disciples.

Using this metaphor Jesus taught us our true source, how we produce fruit and what makes us more productive.

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