Home Feast of Tabernacles Misunderstood


by Esther Griggs

Jesus spoke divisive words. As a result, the Jews wanted Him dead. Therefore, Jesus walked in Galilee rather than Judea. His brothers misunderstood. Nevertheless, Jesus, though misunderstood, remained faithful to His father’s will, rejected incorrect objectives and maintained His timeline.

“My time has not yet come.”

Remained Faithful

Jesus remained faithful, by adhering to the laws set out by His Father to Moses. As a result He kept the feasts and festivals of the Jewish people. In this passage the feast of tabernacles was about to take place. In Leviticus 23 we read about this festival. It was for eight days; the first and the last days no one worked. They were set aside for worship. The people stayed in Booths for seven days because God wanted them to keep the memories alive. They did so by telling the story of how they lived in booths when God brought them out of Egypt.

Rejected Incorrect Objectives

Thus each year, the Jews celebrated the feast of tabernacles. John writes that Jesus’ brothers were heading to the festivities. It was one thing to be misunderstood by friends and neighbours, but in this anecdote, his siblings don’t believe. Perhaps they were a bit sarcastic as they tell Him to show His mighty works to the world rather than hiding away. They offered incorrect objectives which Jesus rejected. The Son of God was not about a show. He was about revelation of the father and redemption.

Maintained His Timeline

Jesus stayed put. As the creator of time, He understood how best to utilize it. His revelation to the world would be at the time predestined by the father. This was not the time. The world hates me, He told them. I point out to them their evil works and so they hate me. My time has not yet fully come. You go ahead. You can go anytime. Later, Jesus went to the festival, but He did so in secret.

Jesus, though misunderstood, remained faithful to His father’s will, rejected incorrect objectives and maintained His timeline.

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Janice Maloney February 15, 2022 - 7:43 am

Beautiful words Esther! Jesus had so many trials and tribulations but never faltered from His faith in His Father. Let us follow Jesus’s example and keep our faith strong and never waiver! Praise God!

Joyce Smith February 23, 2022 - 3:10 pm

Jesus must have been so lonely as far as human friends were concerned. However he remained faithful to His Father, and doing the work he was sent to do. With God as your best friend, you are never lonesome!


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