Jesus wants to go to Galilee. He has a reason. There is someone he is looking for. While there, He encounters two men. John writes of these two men who …
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When we read John’s record of the first disciples, many details included by the other gospel writers especially Luke, are missing. John’s telling is succinct and illustrates a passing of …
In John 1:29-34 Jesus arrives on the scene. When John sees Him coming, he declares Him as the Lamb of God, the One who takes away the sin of the …
In John 1: 19-28 we see the apostle John telling his readers about John’s testimony. This is the story John related. He spoke of his identity. There are those who …
The Word was in the beginning, was with God and was God. John declares that the Word created the world. The Word also is life. The life enlightens all men. …
The Witness to the Light, The Light, The Response After John’s preamble, he focuses in on the Light. He records for his readers details surrounding the true Light. This writing …
John loved Jesus. However, as he walked with Him to His death and resurrection, he received further understanding through Divine revelation. These insights elevated the love he had for the …
The apostle Paul and Timothy have written a letter replete with sound doctrine and encouragement. They have written of faith, who Christ is and how He works in their lives …
Paul continues to name those who have been important to his ministry as he finishes up his letter to the Colossians. He is aware of those God has placed around …
Being locked up in prison complicates Paul’s method of ministry. No longer able to move about freely, he becomes dependent on letters and those he trusts to deliver them. God …