Paul and Timothy continue to direct the Colossian believers. They write to them about a different life. Sometimes it is difficult to understand Paul’s writings just as the apostle Peter …
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The power of the cross changes life on earth for all who rest in the work of Christ. The Colossians experienced the change yet they encountered people with various motives …
To the Jews, circumcision symbolized their covenant with God. With the Christian church rising from the their foundations, confusion came in when certain Jewish Christians believed it to be a …
Paul cannot see his audience. He cannot read the look in their eye nor understand their body language. His spirit however, tells him they have remained steadfast despite their sufferings. …
The apostle Paul was a missionary. He travelled the areas about the Great Sea from A.D. 49-62 to spread the news about Jesus the Christ. There were many converts which …
Genesis 1 describes the creation of the world. In the last verse, God looks on all of it and declares, “It is very good.” Barely within the turn of a …
What the early Christians believed about Jesus meant either the success or failure of the newly birthed church. Doctrine had to be established in Christ. Paul and Timothy in their …
In the letter to the Colossians, the writers aid them in giving thanks. It is to the Father they are to direct their thanks for it is from Him these …
Paul and Timothy are grateful for the work of God in the lives of the Colossians. They have a faith in Christ Jesus and a love for the saints built …
Paul and Timothy wrote to the Colossians. These are the faithful people who are in Christ in that city. They not only give thanks to God for these people, they …