Paul and Timothy continue to direct the Colossian believers. They write to them about a different life. Sometimes it is difficult to understand Paul’s writings just as the apostle Peter said about them, “in all of his epistles, … , in which are some things hard to understand, which those who are untaught twist to their own destruction.” but we have the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth as we look to Him. Paul uses symbols from the life of Christ to help new believers understand their new life in Christ, where to live the life and its future.

New Life in Christ
Our new life comes as we are raised with Christ. God raised Jesus from the dead and is using that same power to work within the believer. It is a spiritual work. Through it, God places believers in the heavenly places with Christ Jesus. There, we enter a whole new world replete with things to think about and consider, things that do not perish with time. We can set our minds on truths not affected by mold or rust or thieves. For Christ is there, and in Him we find all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. It is the place to go in prayer to seek answers for our lives. We gain a new mind set.
Where the Life is Lived
The new life results from having died to sin because of the work of the cross. This life is a hidden life. In it, we hide away with Christ in God. We die to the world and live to Christ. You cannot see someone who is hiding nor does a dead person respond to anything. It reminds me of the words of an old hymn, “Let me hide myself in Thee” and of the Psalmist, “Hide me under the shadow of Thy wings.” It is a safe place in temptation or in trouble. Paul says this is where we can live. It isn’t just a place to retreat, it is a place from which we live our lives.
What it Will Be
Now, Christ becomes our new life. He enables us to be something different. No wonder the world seems so strange to us and us to the world. We are being fitted for a new dwelling. He has promised to come again and when He does, we will appear with Him in glory. I get excited when I read Paul’s writing to the Corinthians in this regard. “The body is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption. It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory. it is raised in weakness, it is raised in power.” As another old hymn puts it, “What a day that will be!”
Paul uses symbols from the life of Christ to help new believers understand their new life in Christ, where to live the life, and its future. Ponder it!
1 comment
Love the monarchs and their life cycle… very prevalent in New Zealand where they sit on your hand and pose for pictures. From a teeny,tiny egg to a gorgeous butterfly, and we are promised the same!!