Abram is now ninety-nine. He has one son named Ishmael. God is on the cusp of deeper relationship with Abram. In the first eight verses of Genesis 17, we contemplate the things God told Abram about who He is, who Abram is, and its ramifications.

“I am the God who sees.”
I Am
God identified Himself. “I am Almighty God (El Shaddai).” Walk before Me and be blameless. My covenant will be between Me and you and I will multiply you exceedingly!
You Are
Abram fell on his face in an act of worship. In this position of the heart, God said, “My covenant is with you. You shall be a father of many nations.” You are Abraham, a “father of many nations.” No longer Abram, in the promise of, “I shall make you” but rather, Abraham, in the fulfillment of, “I have made.you.”
The Ramifications
“I will make you exceedingly fruitful,” “I will make nations of you,” “Kings shall come from you.” The covenant between us will extend to your descendants,” for an everlasting covenant. I will be God to you and your descendants.” This land that you are now a stranger in, this land of Canaan, it will be yours and your descendants. I will be their God.
This God of revelation, He is the God who sees, and the God who makes everlasting covenants to individuals whose hearts have been touched by His loving voice. In the first eight verses of Genesis 17, we contemplated the things God told Abram about who He is, who Abram is and its ramifications.