Being a master storyteller, Jesus utilized vivid pictures to instruct His followers. In John 15 we read the illustration of a vine dresser and his vine. Utilizing this picture, Jesus explained that His Father was the vine dresser, Jesus Himself was the true vine, and His followers were bearers of fruit.

The Father
Jesus said, “My Father is the vinedresser.” He takes care of the vine, cutting off the dead branches and pruning the others for increased fruit bearing. He receives the praise when the fruit is sweet and plentiful.
Jesus, the True Vine
He also said, “I am the vine.” Jesus explained that because of the words He had already spoken to His disciples, they were already clean. Now, He tells them they need to abide in Him, to stay in relationship. There must be constant union with Jesus. Without it, there is no life, and no fruit. A relationship of unity with Jesus, gives and maintains the life of the fruit bearer.
Bearers of Fruit
However, if the branch doesn’t bear fruit, the Father takes it away. If it does bear fruit, He prunes it back in order to produce more fruit. For without the union in Christ there is no life and no fruit. “Without Me you can do nothing,” Jesus said. Nothing is accomplished apart from Him. Staying attached to Jesus like a branch is attached to the vine, asking Him for our “desires,” He will hear, and it will be done for us. This brings glory to the Father and so makes those who bear fruit, His disciples
By this picture, Jesus explained that His Father was the vine dresser, Jesus Himself was the true vine, and His followers were bearers of fruit.