Abimelech and Abraham have had dealings before. Now, as Abimelech sees the prosperity of Abraham, he begins to feel insecure about having this man in his land. Therefore, he brings the commander of his army for a chat with Abraham. In tandem, they make an oath, clear the air, and set a witness between them.

Make an Oath
Abimelech had dealt kindly with Abraham and allowed him to live on his land. Now he has seen that God is with him, no matter what he does. “Swear by God that you will treat me and my descendants with the same kindness I have shown to you.” Abraham agreed.
Clear the Air
This occasion, however, provided Abraham with the opportunity to clear up a matter of some concern. Apparently some of Abimelech’s servants seized one of Abraham’s wells. But Abimelech knew nothing about it. So Abraham gathered some sheep and oxen and gave them in an act of covenant.
A Witness Between Them
Abraham set seven ewe lambs aside. Abimelech did not understand the custom and asked about it. Abraham wanted a witness that he had dug the well. When Abimelech accepted the sheep, the act became a witness. Having made covenants, Abimelech and the commander of his army, returned to the Philistines. Abraham planted a tree and called on the name of the everlasting God at Beersheba (well of the oath). In tandem, they made an oath, cleared the air, and set a witness between them.