As a Canadian living in the United States, we celebrate Thanksgiving for two months! After Thanksgiving, we transition to Christmas. Today I wish to express my thanks, speak to transition, and whet your appetite for my reflections in this Christmas season.

Thank You
First let me thank you for your faithfulness in supporting my website and Facebook pages with your likes and amens, your encouragement and prayers. It not only strengthens me to continue, but also prompts me to pray for you.
Secondly let me speak to transition. Many challenges come during transitions, but like a strong wind, it can rid us of dead branches like false hopes or misplaced affections. It provides a new framework for fresh thoughts and ideas, and tests the strength of our roots. As Christians we believe transitions can be God working in our lives to conform us to the image of His Son.
To Whet the Appetite
Finally I would like to whet your appetite for my theme for this Christmas Season. Matthew is the first Book of the New Testament. In the first chapter, you find one of two genealogies given for Jesus in the New Testament.
Matthew includes four different women among his list of forefathers, beginning with Abraham and ending with Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus. Weekly we will look to the story of one of these women and consider what we may learn about God from each encounter. You may be surprised at the women Matthew felt compelled to include in his list of Jesus’ forebearers.
Receive my thanks, be renewed in your times of transition, and watch for my reflections in this Christmas season. God’s richest blessings to each of you.