In the letter to the Colossians, the writers aid them in giving thanks. It is to the Father they are to direct their thanks for it is from Him these three blessings come. Paul and Timothy directed them to give thanks because the Father had qualified them for an inheritance, has delivered them from the power of darkness, and has redeemed them by the blood of Christ.

It is God the Father who qualified them and us to be partakers of the divine nature through exceedingly great and precious promises. We get to take part in the inheritance of the saints in light, to escape the corruption that is in the world through lust. The Father made the plan before the foundation of the world and saw it through to its completion. So to Him we give our thanks for our part in an incorruptible and undefiled inheritance which does not fade away, but He has reserved in heaven for us.
Second, we were powerless in life. As slaves to our fears, and our sinful natures, we lived in darkness. Through the cross, God made a way for us to belong to the kingdom of the Son He loves. When we look to the future, the enemy of our soul may paint a picture dark and bleak, but thanks be to God, he no longer has any power over us. Instead, we look to the future with hope, knowing that Jesus is making a way for us beyond what we can imagine. With God in our life, we are living in another kingdom where Jesus is King. The lies of the enemy lose their power. Rather, we listen for the voice of our Shepherd to hear His word. We can choose light and life, joy and gratitude, rest and strength. Before, we had no choice.
The third blessing mentioned is this. Father God made a way to buy back mankind. Because of the blood of Christ, He forgives our sins. He restores us to a relationship with Himself. “As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our sins from us,†says the Psalmist. “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow;†says the Prophet Isaiah. No longer are we bound to the sins of our past. As Peter tells us, our redemption wasn’t with things that rot or fade away like silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.
Our faith and hope now rest in God the Father. To Him, we like the Colossians give thanks to the Father who has qualified us for an inheritance, has delivered us from the power of darkness, and has redeemed us by the blood of Christ. Awesome!!!!