The people Peter wrote to, lived in dangerous times. Rather than assuage them, he alluded to their suffering and bolstered them by his words. He wrote about the value of a good conscience, how we obtain a good conscience and the Christ who is in authority over it all.

Value of a Good Conscience
He wrote to them of the value of a good conscience. First he encouraged them. Suffering for doing good was a blessing. When threatened, don’t let it get to you. Don’t be troubled about it. Instead, set the Lord God apart in your hearts. Be prepared with an answer to anyone asking questions about the hope that is in you. Have the right attitude of humility and reverence to God. The value of a good conscience is that when they humiliate you as an evil person, they will be ashamed. In it all, to suffer for doing good is preferable than because of having done evil.
Obtaining a Good Conscience
Then he writes about obtaining a good conscience. He reminds them of the work of Christ. Jesus suffered once for sins. He was the just one who surrendered His life for the unjust. The reason? He desired to bring us to God. We were put to death in the flesh but made alive in the Spirit. He says that baptism is a type of this. It signifies a good conscience before God because of the resurrection of Jesus. Our sins have been cast into the deepest sea and before God in Christ we rise with a clear conscience.
Christ the Authority
Finally, Peter wrote that Christ is the authority. When we see Christ Jesus in His place of fulfillment, He is in heaven. Not only is He in heaven but He is at the right hand of God. It is a place of authority. Angels, authorities and powers have been made subject to Him. Jesus Christ is the final authority. It is to Him that all will show allegiance. I am reminded of John’s words, ” If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and He knows everything.” Peter wrote about the value of a good conscience, how we obtain a good conscience and the Christ who is in authority over it all.