When Judas walked out into the night, the count down to history’s most significant events was set into motion. Jesus knew his disciples were caught up in this moment of their lives and did not at the time grasp the significance. Jesus stays in this moment with them but speaks of His glory, His going on alone and how they were to proceed.

His Glory
His darkest human moment lay ahead of Him and still He says, “Now the Son of Man is glorified.” He will be lifted up. In His glorification, the Father also is glorified. His greatest victory, the victory over death and the grave is also before Him. The glorification is of the Father and the Son. It is immediate.
His Going On Alone
However, it means He must go on alone. He offers words He has spoken before to the Jews, “Where I am going you cannot come.” He is only with them for a little while longer. They will want to follow but it isn’t possible. Peter protests. He has full intentions of following Jesus wherever it leads, even if it means death. He is still in a lighted room, satisfied after a good meal and having had his feet washed. Jesus hears the words, “I will lay down my life for Your sake,” and to the words He speaks truth, “The rooster shall not crow till you have denied Me three times.”
How to Proceed
The Lord and Master speaks as a father. “My little children.” The days ahead will shake them. It will take time for them to take it in, to realize what has happened and until the Spirit of Jesus reveals it, they won’t be able to understand. Still, Jesus gives them direction. He shows them the only way to proceed. In a world where anything that can be shaken is shaken, this is the command. “Love one another as I have loved you. This is how they will know you are my disciples.” The love of Jesus becomes the logo, the anchor, the message to the world that they belong to Jesus.
Jesus stayed in that moment with them but spoke of His glory, His going on alone and how they were to proceed.