In 1 Peter 1:10-12, Peter writes about the prophets. These men of God asked questions and searched diligently. They desired to know more about what they heard from the Spirit of Christ regarding our salvation. They prophesied of the grace that would come to those who would receive it. Peter wrote about these prophets, the message they foretold and how it relates to us.

The Prophets
We learn much about the prophets from the New Testament. After the resurrection of Jesus, He explained how the words of the prophets spoke of Him. Their words were like a blueprint for Jesus. Often the events and actions of His life were described as a fulfilment of scripture or the prophets. These prophets were men like Moses and King David, Isaiah and Jeremiah, Zechariah and Malachi.
Their Message
Their message pointed to a Saviour, not only for Israel but for the whole world. Peter addressed the sufferings of Christ. For an example, we look to King David who wrote of God’s King, His eternal throne, of His being God’s Son and our High Priest. In Psalm 22 David intimately described the final days of Jesus’ life, “My God My God, why have You forsaken Me?” Even the mocking David wrote about in verses 6-8 of Psa. 22, describe the scene of that day. The pain expressed in verses 12-18 further painted the picture of our Saviour the day of His crucifixion. This prophecy and others foretold a Saviour from birth to resurrection.
How It Relates to Us
How do these ancient words apply to us? For one, Peter says they “prophesied of the grace that would come to you.” He also wrote that the prophets tried to understand the sufferings of Christ, when they would happen and the glorious things that followed. However, God revealed to them through the Holy Spirit, sent from Heaven, that they were servants. They were telling another generation about the things that his readers could look back on, the things spoken of and recorded by the apostles. Even the angels longed to look into these things. The prophets served us. The writer of Hebrews tell us they are not complete without us. They were looking to the fulfillment of God’s promises, to a continuing city where one day they will be made perfect when in union with us.
What an awesome God! Peter wrote about these prophets, the message they foretold and how it relates to us.