Among the many things we are grateful for, family remains high on the list. In the beginning, God knew it wasn’t good for man to be alone and formed him a wife from his own flesh. Soon after, Eve proclaimed, “I have gotten me a man by God’s help.” God set the lonely in families. Satan attacked family from the beginning because family multiplies our abilities, extends the hand of God and provides for us a living picture of God.

Multiplies our Abilities
Family multiplies our abilities. The wisdom literature of the Bible tells us that it’s easier for two to keep warm. There is also reference to the strength of a chord with an extra strand and that two are not easily overtaken. If one falls down, there is a hand to lift the other up. When one is weak, the other is strong. Sometimes it is a widower with young children, or orphans cared for by two sisters. No matter how it looks, families are stronger together.
Extends the Hand of God
Family also extends the hand of God. When God created family, he supplied a means of provision, of protection, and of peace. Have you found shelter, food and clothing provided by the work of a father’s hand, or known a mother to intervene to protect you, or come home to a place of refuge and peace? Then you have known the hand of God extended. Sometimes it is a church caring for orphans and widows or a soup kitchen for the homeless.
Learn About God
In addition, from and within the family, we learn about God. It gives us an understanding of the Fatherhood of God, and being His children. We learn comfort, and compassion, faithfulness and forgiveness, tenderness and truth. attributes of the Most High God within the family unit..
Family may take on different forms. Still, we experience within it, multiplied abilities, God’s extended hand and learn of the goodness of God and His faithfulness.