In Psalm 119, the writer needs one hundred and seventy-six verses to express his praise for the word of God. The word is not apart from its giver. From it he finds life and hope, righteousness and wisdom and much more. In several verses he discusses the delight it is, how it revives his soul, and keeps him from sin. It comforts him and gives him a reason to sing. It has been his way to learn about God, how to please Him and to understand the great mercy He shows to His children. He clung to these words written in stone and expressed through the laws of Moses. Like the Psalmist, we too know the delight of the word, experience its power in our lives, yet unlike him, we have the Word in flesh.

The Delight of the Word
Like the Psalmist, we find delight in the word. We love the commands of the Lord and meditate on them. We find it is to us, as to the Psalmist, better than thousands of shekels of gold and silver. We desire to meditate throughout the day because of the wisdom we gain from it. The words are sweet, even sweeter than honey. There is a rejoicing in the heart because of the word. It is trustworthy and without deceit. When troubled or in anguish, there is comfort in the word. Like the Psalmist, our hearts stand in awe of His word and rejoice as one who has found great treasure.
We Experience Its Power
Our great love for the word comes from experiencing the power it has in our lives. Like the Psalmist, we have received life through it. The word gives us hope and strengthens us in our weakness. It gives us direction and keeps us from error. It enlarges the heart. The truths bring comfort. In dark times it brings light, when we need protection it provides a shield and when we need to hide, it becomes a hiding place. We receive wisdom and understanding higher than any on earth. Then unlike many words of sentiment, God’s word is solid and eternal, a place we can settle and be secure not just for today but for eternity.
We Have the Word in Flesh
The big difference between us and the Psalmist is the person of Jesus Christ. Though the Psalmist had a special anointing as Hebrews 11:13 tells us, ” (he) died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them, afar off (was) assured of them, embraced them, and confessed that (he was) a (stranger and pilgrim) on the earth.” (italics mine), John tells us, “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” He came as we did through the birth process. He experienced life through taste and smell, hearing and sight. He knew the limitations of gravity and time. Jesus also struggled with the same inabilities to communicate. Though He understood grief and pain, He became the Living Word, which lives for us even today. So like the Psalmist, we too know the delight of the word, experience its power in our lives, but unlike him, we know the Word in flesh. Now that is praiseworthy!
An unique writing. Psalm 119 is a psalm of praise by a person who had never met God in flesh ie Jesus. Well done, Esther!
Thank you Joyce for the blessing you are!