Home a merciful Father Abraham Intercedes

Abraham Intercedes

by Esther Griggs

After the angel announced Isaac’s birth, they continued their journey to Sodom. At this time the author describes an interaction between the Lord and the angels. The Lord considered whether to reveal His plans to him through whom the nations of all the world will be blessed. His relationship with Abraham is intentional. He is teaching him righteousness and justice so it can be passed down through the generations thus enabling the Father to fulfill His word to him. Thus the Lord communicated His plan to Abraham, Abraham interceded, and the Lord responded.

The Lord’s Plan

A great outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah’s grievous sins, reached heaven. As in the tower of Babel, the Lord came to see how bad it was. While the men continued on, Abraham stood before the Lord for He knew the Lord would judge.

Abraham Intercedes

Abraham worried about Lot’s family and asked, “What if there are fifty righteous, would you destroy it then?” Then he appealed to God’s nature. “You don’t slay the righteous with the wicked as though they were the same, do you?” “Shall not the judge of the whole earth do right?” Then seeing his position before almighty God, he humbly continued his plea, decreasing it to ten righteous people.

The Lord Responds

God continued to listen and responded to Abraham’s requests. “If I find fifty righteous, I will spare it for their sake. If I find forty-five, forty, thirty” all the way down to only ten righteous people, the Lord promised Abraham He would spare the cities.

Abraham’s love motivated his concern, giving him courage to ask. God’s love for Abraham, influenced His response. The Lord communicated His plan to Abraham, Abraham interceded and the Lord responded.

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