In Genesis 22, we read about the greatest test of Abraham’s life. One component of the test is the foreshadowing of God the Father giving up His only Son, whom He loved. Another was the provision of the lamb on Mt. Moriah which represented Jesus the Christ. The test came because of his relationship with God, was spoken as the word of God, and Abraham walked it out.

Here I Am
Abraham, by this time, has heard God speak to him many times. They have built a relationship where Abraham worships and trusts the Lord God. When he heard God call his name, he answered, “Here I am.”
The Word of God
The author tells us it is a test. Abraham accepted it as it was, the word of God to him. “Take now your son,, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the Land of Moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I will show you.”
Abraham Walks it Out
There is no mention that he discussed the matter with anyone. Nor did he delay. Early in the morning he saddled his donkey, gathered two young men, and Isaac. Then he split the wood and started out.
It was at least a three day journey for it was on the third day that he could see where God wanted him to go, in the distance. When he left the two men to go on He stated, “Stay here with the donkey; the lad and I will go yonder and worship, and we will come back to you.”
When Isaac inquired about the lamb, he stated, “God will provide for Himself the lamb for the burnt offering.” When he arrived where God told him, he built an altar, placed the wood, and then bound his son and placed him on the altar. He even stretched out his hand holding the knife, to slay his son.
In all his actions, he confirmed his faith by his works. This test began in relationship with God, came as a command and Abraham walked it out.