Home Abram: A Life of Faith Finished the Race

Finished the Race

by Esther Griggs

Abraham finished the race. He came to know God’s voice and to heed it. He learned that what God said, was true and faithful. This faith in God gave him the position of the father of faith, not only to the Jews but to all who would believe on the Lord Jesus. To finish the race, he grieved his wife, found a wife for his Isaac, and lived to the last, honouring Isaac as the bearer of God’s everlasting covenant.


Grieved His Wife

Finishing the race meant losing his life’s partner. Sarah died in Hebron at 127 years old. Abraham negotiated with the sons of Heth and paid 400 shekels of silver for the field and the cave to bury his wife. This land was deeded to Abraham as a burial ground.

Found a Wife for Isaac

It was also essential to Abraham, nearing his end, that Isaac, as the inheritor of the promises, find the right help mate. He sent his trusted servant back to visit his family to find one. His servant, having learned from his master, prayed to the Lord for success. God, as always, was faithful and directed the whole scenario. Rebekah returned with the servant. We are told Isaac loved her and she was a comfort to him after losing his mother.

Honouring Isaac to the End

Finishing the race also meant holding fast to the promises until the end. God told Abraham that His covenants would be fulfilled through Isaac. From his line, He would bless the nations of the world. Abraham remembered. Even though he married again and had more sons, he gave all that he had to Isaac. To the others he fathered, he gave gifts and sent them eastward, away from his son Isaac. Though not seeing the fulfillment, he believed God’s everlasting covenant would be established through Isaac’s line.

To finish the race, Abraham grieved his wife, found a wife for Isaac, and lived to the last, honouring Isaac as the bearer of God’s everlasting covenant.

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