Home Gratitude Gratitude: A Relationship With God

Gratitude: A Relationship With God

by Esther Griggs

The Almighty God, creator of heaven and earth, of the the seen and the unseen, longs to have relationship with you and me. Like the Psalmist, only with hearts full of praise can we express our gratitude. The God who called Abraham ‘friend’ or considered Daniel ‘greatly beloved’ invites us into relationship. Our finite minds grapple with all that He is as we relate to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We give thanks.

God the Father

Unlike the idols of the nations which have mouths but do not speak, eyes that do not see, and ears that do not hear, Our God speaks, and light overcomes the darkness. He looks and the cast aways are no longer invisible. He hears whoever calls on His name, and answers.

God the Son

The Son of God, took on our flesh. He became as we are in order to represent us fully before the Father. His death reconciled us to the Father and His resurrection gives us power to live as a new creation. Now in the heavenlies, He intercedes for us while preparing our eternal home. He is soon returning because He longs to be with us.

God the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit lives within us. He knows our thoughts before they become words. In times of difficulty, He replaces our fear with power, love, and strength of mind and soul. He guides us into all truth. In times of temptation, He provides a way of escape. The fullness of God, dwelling within us, Amazing! Humbling!

Praise to God the Father, Praise to God the Son, Praise to the Holy Spirit,

Our finite minds grapple with all that He is as we relate to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We give thanks.

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