Imagine sitting about a blazing fire on a cool autumn evening, listening to the hiss and crackle of the fire. Add to it the soft strumming of a guitar and the sounds of voices singing songs of praise. Then, let your heart swell with gratitude for music, the music of nature, the music of instruments and the music of voices lifted in praise.

The Music of Nature
Whispers of a soft breeze, the hum of insects, the crack of thunder, the coos of an infant, the rippling of a lake, or the voice of a loved one, fill our lives with peace and wonder. I recollect the words of an old hymn, “to my listening ears all nature sings and round me rings the music of the spheres.” Malthie D. Babcock writes further, “the birds their carols sing,” and “in the rustling grass, I hear Him pass, He speaks to me everywhere.” For this music of nature, I am grateful.
The Music of Instruments
The first instrument, the voice of God, sparked a world into existence. The next recorded sound was that of Adam in praise of God’s creation, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man.” Though the fall tainted those voices, within a few chapters we hear of Jubal who is the father of all those who play the harp and the flute. The Psalms speaks of instruments of praise. For the gift of instrumental music I am grateful.
Voices Lifted in Praise
Above all, God’s heart is thrilled with the sound of voices lifted in praise. The Psalms are replete with praise and admonitions to sing, play instruments, and dance before the Lord. It is pleasant and beautiful. In addition, it is powerful. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. For voices lifted in praise, I am grateful. Put on some music or make some yourself. Let your heart swell with gratitude for music, the music of nature, the music of instruments and the music of voices lifted in praise.