Home Heaven A Secure Future

A Secure Future

by Esther Griggs

As Jesus looked into the eyes of His disciples, He saw fear and sorrow. God the Father gave to Jesus, words of comfort, not only for the eleven in the upper room, but the countless number looking to Him throughout the ages. Jesus, as a wise Father, spoke forth the words of a secure future, instructing the disciples how to approach the unknown, where He was going, and what He would be doing.

“I go to prepare a place for you.”

Approach the Unknown

Jesus knew they had a secure future in Him. “Let not your heart be troubled,” Jesus said, “You believe in God.” These men knew the stories of God throughout their history, God had created the world, called Abram out of Haran, parted the Red Sea and promised a Messiah. “Believe also in Me.” It wasn’t believe in Me instead, but rather believe also in Me. He was the way to the Father. He was also the truth and the life. They needed to trust Him as they approached the future.

Where He Was Going

Earlier He told them they could not follow Him. Later, they would. In John 14:1-6, He told them they knew where He was going, and they also knew the way. Thomas, known for His doubts, said it as he saw it. “Lord, we do not know where you are going, and how can we know the way?” Jesus quickly reminded him that He, Himself, was the answer to His questions.

What He Would be Doing

“You see, if you follow Me,” Jesus was telling them, “it will lead you to the Father. I am going to My Father who has a big house!” His house is so big that when translators want to use the word room, the context of the word, means mansions. It’s not a one room shanty! “I would have told you if it was any different. But now, I have to go. But why must I go? I need to get a place ready for you. Now if I do so, I will also come back and get you. I want you to be with Me, wherever I am.”

Jesus, as a wise Father, spoke forth the words of a secure future, instructing the disciples how to approach the unknown, where He was going, and what He would be doing.

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