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  • Guests

    The sun is scorching and Abraham seeks relief in the door of his tent when the LORD appears to him. Abraham seeing three men, runs to meet them, and bows…

  • Abraham’s Family

    As we continue through Genesis 17, new facts emerge. God and Abraham are discussing the conditions of their relationship. God required he live a blameless life before Him and presented…

  • The Seal

    God gave His promises to Abram, and brought him to his new identity as Abraham. The covenant, however, had two sides. Abraham, though ninety-nine, had a part to play. “You…

  • I Am, You Are

    Abram is now ninety-nine. He has one son named Ishmael. God is on the cusp of deeper relationship with Abram. In the first eight verses of Genesis 17, we contemplate…

  • A Merciful Father

    In Genesis 16, Abram and Sarai have been ten years in Canaan. God promised an heir. Ten years in a culture where a barren woman is degraded was a long…

  • Abram’s God

    There are serious topics in Genesis 15. It creates a sense of awe in me. I feel I am encroaching on holy ground. God accepted Abram’s faith and declared him…