First known as seers, the prophets were the voice of God. Both men and women were given dreams, and saw visions of the future from the Holy Spirit. They had definite calls and faced persecution. But where there is truth there is also the lie. False prophets encouraged the people to rebel against God. Until Jesus came, it was the main method of communication from God. What did Jesus, Paul and Peter have to say about prophecy?

In Matthew five, Jesus declared that He did not come to abolish the law or the writings of the prophets but rather to accomplish their purpose. In His final days on earth Jesus took the time to explain to His disciples how He was the fulfillment of prophecy.
Paul spoke about the gift of prophecy to the early church. It was important for the building up of the church. If someone had the gift they were to use it with as much faith as God had given. It was to be used respectfully by each having their turn to speak. It was to encourage, comfort and strengthen them.
Peter wrote about Christ’s return. “It’s not just a clever story.” He had experienced the voice of God at Jesus’ baptism. It gave him greater confidence to believe the prophets. Pay close attention to the prophets. They are a light in a dark place. They speak for God and are moved by the Holy Spirit. It isn’t about their own understanding and it is not of their own initiative. But he also warned of false prophets.
What did Jesus, Paul and Peter have to say about prophecy? Jesus is the fulfillment of prophecy. Prophecy is a God-given gift for the edification of the church but false prophecy encourages rebellion towards God.