Lot and his two daughters barely escaped judgement. As we read what happened next, we see only the facts. There is no judgement, although we know from the law given by God, they behaved immorally. More importantly, they forgot God and thought it was all on them. They looked at their situation and considered what they should do. Though out of Sodom, its wickedness influenced them. These woman acted in fear, their descendants harassed Israel and yet God shows His redemptive power in it all.

Acted in Fear
When they took stock of their situation, it looked dire. Sodom and Gomorrah no longer existed. They must have felt alone and helpless. They, though relatives of Abraham, did not think to go to God for instruction. Instead, they looked to themselves allowing their fear to dictate their actions.
Their Descendants
Each woman bore a son. Their sons, were Moab and Ammon. The descendants, the Moabites and the Ammonites, became a thorn in the flesh of Israel, for many years as their enemies when once they were brothers.
God still reigned. Though they did not consider Him, He already had a plan for redemption. Ruth, an ancestral mother to our Lord Jesus, was a Moabites. The Saviour came to us, born of a woman, with a heritage much like any of us with sinful characters being a part of it. Yet He was ‘without sin, but for our sake shared our sin so that in union with Him, we might share the righteousness of God.’