Home a merciful Father Joy and Sorrow Collide

Joy and Sorrow Collide

by Esther Griggs

The day was a day of celebration for Abraham and Sarah. Isaac, the long awaited heir had grown and was now weaned. Into this day of rejoicing, however, an old pain resurfaced. Joy and sorrow collided. Ishmael mocked the promised heir, As a result, Abraham suffered a bitter consequence, learned obedience, and found God faithful.

A Bitter Consequence

Sarah was irate. “Get rid of this slave and her son. This slave’s son will not be heir with my son.”

Abraham grieved. The whole matter distressed him. Was it not Sarah’s idea in the first place? Why did God allow it to happen by taking so long to act? Why must I give up my son, my first born son?

Abraham Learned Obedience

Still, God spoke into the situation. “Don’t be displeased because of the lad. Listen to Sarah your wife. Your descendants will come through Isaac. I will make a nation from the slave girl’s son, because he is your descendant.” It hurt. Nevertheless, Abraham obeyed.

God Was Faithful

Hagar lost all hope. Without water, in the desert, she laid her son under a shrub and wandered away. She did not want to see him die. Instead, she screamed and wept.

God heard. “What’s wrong Hagar?” he asked. “Don’t be afraid, God has heard the lad. Lift him up and hold him. I will make him a great nation.”

Then God opened her eyes to see through her angry, bitter tears, the well of water He had provided. It became the water of life for her boy. The scripture reads, “So God was with the lad, and he grew and dwelt in the wilderness, and became an archer.” Abraham suffered a bitter consequence, learned obedience, and found God faithful.

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