John, addresses the little children, (the young in the faith) and tells them it is the last hour. He could have said it is the eleventh hour, but his point …
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We continue our study of 1 John 1 by looking at verses 15-17. We know from last week that he is writing to the family of God at all levels …
In the next verses of 1 John 2, John communicates to whom he is writing. Experiencing Jesus and the subsequent presence of the Holy Spirit caused a fire within him. …
Someone may ask you if you have been born again. How do you know? The apostle John answers the question in 1 John 2. It isn’t as much about what …
Since we have completed our time in the Gospel of John, I am continuing with John through his epistles, 1,2, and 3rd John. This week we are considering 1 John …
We come to this Good Friday with the story John writes about Peter. It is now the third visit of Jesus since His resurrection from the dead. The tragic weekend …
When Jesus made his third visit, to the disciples after the cross, it was at the Sea of Tiberias. Some of the disciples, still felt a bit lost, and got …
For some reason, when Jesus appeared to the disciples, Thomas was absent. Eight days later, they gathered again, inside, with the doors shut. This time Thomas was there. In the …
Mary went and told the disciples that she had seen Jesus. Then as evening came, on that first day of the week, Jesus revealed Himself to His disciples. Upon entering …
After seeing inside the tomb, that it was empty, Peter and John went on their way to their own homes. Mary, however, remained. The things not understood, that left her …