With so much chatter of love in our world, it’s easy to lose sight of the reality. John speaks to this in 1 John 3: 16-23 writing about what love …
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A common phrase, “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” relates to today’s reflection. Family traits are an entertaining phenomenon observed throughout time. John shares with his readers that …
The apostle John in 1 John 3:4-9 wrote about sin. He taught truths which would give firm foundations to the believers in Jesus. It is plain and simple according to …
Let’s face it. We live for ourselves. Our affections may extend to our families and close friends. However, if someone looks different, smells different, or talks different, it stretches us. …
The apostles wrote to fight the deceptive times they were living in. Jesus, before ascending to heaven, commissioned them to go and make disciples. As they did so, the intensity …
John, addresses the little children, (the young in the faith) and tells them it is the last hour. He could have said it is the eleventh hour, but his point …
We continue our study of 1 John 1 by looking at verses 15-17. We know from last week that he is writing to the family of God at all levels …
In the next verses of 1 John 2, John communicates to whom he is writing. Experiencing Jesus and the subsequent presence of the Holy Spirit caused a fire within him. …
Someone may ask you if you have been born again. How do you know? The apostle John answers the question in 1 John 2. It isn’t as much about what …
Since we have completed our time in the Gospel of John, I am continuing with John through his epistles, 1,2, and 3rd John. This week we are considering 1 John …