Jesus, while on earth, did the works of His Father. Onlookers of various understanding, considered what to do with Him. Among them, Nicodemus saw Him as a teacher, the Samaritan …
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Jesus saw the glazed over look in the eyes of His audience. Therefore, He tightened up His illustration, elaborating on specific aspects of the sheepfold. Jesus then told His listeners, …
Jesus utilized stories in his teaching. The stories came from the familiar scenes of his listener’s lives. Often even his disciples, as in this case, missed the stories’ message. In …
Consistent with all encounters with Jesus, the healing of the blind man caused a stirring. The Pharisees, those who oversaw the religious lives of the Jews, were also blind for …
One day as Jesus and the disciples were walking, they saw a blind man. Upon seeing him the disciples, rooted in their laws and traditions, wondered whose sin had caused …
MERCY Mercy? I know mercy. God never gives me what I deserve. He let His Son take it. The flogging, The pounding, The pouring out of wrath In torrents Until, …
As the Jewish people listened to Jesus speak, they became defensive; self-protective. They were proud of being Abraham’s children. Yet, what was, this, who knows who, telling them? As Jesus …
There were those who heard the words of Jesus and believed Him. However, believing in Jesus, is but the doorway to a very big house. In John 8:30-36, Jesus therefore, …
The Father Jesus teaches about His relationship with the Father. Everything He does, and is, comes from the Father. In John 8:21-29, the Jews continued to wonder about this man …
Jesus continued to teach in the synagogue and the Pharisees continued to resist Him. They based their lives on an earthly system built on laws and traditions, rather than building …