After Peter identifies himself, addresses the pilgrims, and bestows a blessing of grace and peace, he enters into worship. Have you ever wondered at the phrase “Bless God?” I have. …
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Having looked at the Epistles of John, we now turn our attention to the First Epistle of Peter. He identifies himself as an apostle of Jesus Christ. We know him …
In the third epistle of John we learn of three men. He writes to one of them and refers to the other two, one in negative terms and the other …
We don’t write letters the same anymore but in the apostle’s time, it provided communication over the distance. Although never adequate, it served a purpose that still ministers to us …
Jesus, in the days before His death told His followers another would come, to remind them of His words and further instruct them. When Jesus returned to His disciples after …
John writes about Jesus the Christ when he declares that He came both by water and by blood. The Spirit of God is the witness because He is the Spirit …
I wonder how John’s readers felt about all his writing about love. Jesus had been crucified by the Romans and there was fierce opposition toward those who chose to follow …
As we learn about God, we learn He is a just God. We gain an understanding of His wrath, but we also learn how Jesus gave His life to satisfy …
John in verse 12 of 1 John 4 writes that no one has seen God at any time. Still, when we love one another, it shows that God is in …
This theme of love motivates John’s pen. He returns to it in 1 John 4:7-11. As we look to these verses we reflect on the love of God, what it …