On the day Jesus spoke these words to Martha, her brother had been in the tomb for four days. He knew He would perform a miracle that day, as well as build faith in the lives of His friends. Let us consider Martha’s faith, when it was tested, and the fall out after the miracle.

Martha’s Faith
Mary had experienced Jesus as a healer. “If You had been here, he would not have died. and even now, whatever You ask of God, He will do for you.” When Jesus said her brother would rise again, she understood that he would rise at the resurrection on the last day. But Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life.” It is not just words you have heard, it is not only a philosophy or some system, I myself, am the resurrection and the life. Martha then confirmed her faith in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, the One for whom the world had been waiting.
When Tested
The test came when Jesus asked for the stone to be removed. Martha’s practical side took over, “Lord, he has been dead for four days. He will stink.” Jesus asks, “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?” Jesus was asking her to follow Him further, and to trust Him more fully.
Fall out after the Miracle
The words spoken next, reverberate through history. “Lazarus come forth.” Still bound in burial wraps, out walked the man who had been dead. “Free him of the wraps and let him go,” Jesus said. The reactions were as diverse as the individuals there. Many believed. Others went straight to the Pharisees. What a threat to the world as they knew it, if this man had such power. They sought all the more to kill Him.
But how do you kill life? It cannot be overcome. Jesus is the resurrection and the life. “Whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?” As we face this new year, our faith in Jesus, as the resurrection and the life, fills our days with living hope.
We have considered Martha’s faith, when it was tested, and the fall out after the miracle.