Home Bearing Fruit Paul and Timothy Explain the Son to the Colossians

Paul and Timothy Explain the Son to the Colossians

by Esther Griggs

What the early Christians believed about Jesus meant either the success or failure of the newly birthed church. Doctrine had to be established in Christ. Paul and Timothy in their letter to the Colossians explain who the Son is. He is the image of the invisible God; He created and holds everything together and is also the head of the body, which is the church.

Christ is the Head of the Church

The Image of the Invisible God

In the Old Testament, God’s chosen people were forever trying to create an image to represent God. It became one of their biggest downfalls. God gave an exact picture in the God-man Jesus. When we need to see the face of God, we look to Jesus. We find love, mercy and grace. There is a hatred of sinfulness, of pride and wickedness. He possessed the power to calm storms, forgive sins, heal the sick and broken-hearted. Submitting himself to humanity, He became obedient to the cross, despising the shame and rose from the dead with power. In Jesus Christ, we have the image of the invisible God. He had a glory with the Father before the world began, and in His prayers before His death, He prayed the Father would glorify Him with the glory they shared before the world was.

Created and Holds Everything Together

In Genesis 1:26, we first realize that God is plural. When He creates man, it is in the image of God, plural. Jesus, as part of the Godhead, is the creator. Here we see the explanation. Jesus created everything if we can see it or not. Whether it is a throne, a country, a principality or a power, He created it not only by Himself but for Himself. He is before all things and He holds everything together. Science looks to explain creation and the cohesiveness of it all. Jesus the Christ is the answer.

The Head of the Body

Jesus is first. He was the first man to submit to death, then overcome its power. He is the source and life for the church. In Ephesians, Paul tells his readers, God has placed all things under His feet. God gave Jesus the position to be the head over all things for the church. It is His body. He fills all by His Spirit. I think of the great hymn. “The church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ, her Lord. She is His new creation by water and the word. From heaven He came and sought her to be His holy bride. With His own blood he bought her and for her life He died.”

Without the Lord Jesus Christ, what is there? He is the image of the invisible God; He created and holds everything together and is also the head of the body, which is the church. In Him, we place our trust.

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1 comment

janice maloney May 1, 2021 - 5:52 am

These beautiful words show us that our Lord Jesus Christ should come first in our lives. Trusting and obeying.


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