When working with all kinds of people of varied ages, I have received great joy at witnessing the energy and enthusiasm come alive in one who had received a gift of praise. Should it be so strange that our Father in heaven, whose image we carry, should show forth His strength and power when we offer to Him our gift of praise? There are three stories in the Bible that illustrate the substantial power God shows in the presence of praise. God’s show of power is clear at the dedication of Solomon’s temple, in an overwhelming battle and at the appearance of His son to earth.

At Solomon’s Temple
King David had it in his heart to build a temple of worship. God, however, had his son Solomon build the temple. Once completed, King Solomon brought all the dedicated articles and furnishings to the temple with one thing remaining, the ark of the covenant. The ark had been a symbol of God’s presence to the Israelites, and now it would rest in the temple. The priests finally placed the ark in its place. Then something amazing happened. The Levites who were singers clothed in white linen, with their cymbals, stringed instruments and harps along with one hundred and twenty priests sounding with trumpets, made one sound, “For He is good, For His mercy endures forever.” God filled the temple with His glory. The cloud of His glory was so overpowering it became impossible for the priests to minister.
In An Overwhelming Battle
The next story is one of overwhelming odds. King Jehoshaphat and the Israelites heard that a great multitude from beyond the sea were coming against them. It caused them to seek God’s face for direction. God answered. He told them they would not need to fight this battle. He would fight for them. They believed Him. The King appointed singers to praise the beauty of holiness and to say, “For He is good, For His mercy endures forever.” From the moment they sang the first note and to offer their praise, the Lord defeated the enemy.
At the Appearance of His Son
Our last story begins with the government making a command which made life difficult for many people. It made travel necessary for several, and travel in their land and time was difficult. It was especially so for a young pregnant woman whose only ride was a donkey. When they arrived at the place they had to go, there were no accomodations. They were weary and afraid. Then something changed. An angel appeared to some lonely shepherds out in the fields and made an announcement. A whole multitude of angels then split the night sky with praises, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men!” When earth was bleak, it was the praises of heaven that ushered in the time of Emmanuel upon the earth.
Praise is powerful! God’s show of power is clear at the dedication of Solomon’s temple, in an overwhelming battle and at the appearance of His son to earth. Let us lift our voices in praise and see what happens.
“God is good and His mercy is everlasting!”