Everyone experiences getting caught. It goes back to the beginning with Adam and Eve. They show us the human response to disobeying God. Still the story shines a light and gives us hope. In Genesis 3:7-10 we read the immediate results of listening to the tempter and ultimately not to God. The beautiful relationship of God and His creation deteriorated to shame, fear and a shattered peace.

In the beginning, Adam and Eve were naked. They knew no shame. After disobeying God, the first consequence was seeing their nakedness and attempting to cover it up.
Fear entered next. At the sound of God coming, they tried to hide among the trees. The presence of God now brought fear.
Shattered Peace
The peace of the garden shattered. Adam and Eve hid among the trees. They felt shame and feared the voice of their provider. God called to them. He knows what has happened but still He wants to hear it from Adam. “Where are you?” Adam confessed, not what he had done, but his condition. “I heard Your voice,” “I was afraid because I was naked,” and “I hid myself.” God digs deeper. “Who told you?” “Did you eat from the tree that I said you should not eat?” It is hard for Adam to confess. Instead he says, “The woman You gave me, gave me the fruit, and I ate.” He blamed God, and the woman God gave him. As for Eve, she blamed the deceiver. The garden is no longer a nice place. Thanks be to God, it is not the end of the story!
The beautiful relationship of God and His creation deteriorated to shame, fear and a shattered peace.