As we wrap up a time of thanksgiving, we enter the Christmas season. Today our reflection melds both, by expressing gratitude, for the Christ of Christmas. Various distractions blind us …
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A weary mother, hearing her baby giggle for the first time, forgets momentarily, the burden of motherhood and learns its reward. Stressed out business people, in a moment of laughter …
The psalmist tells us that children are a heritage from the Lord, a reward. The language of the New King James puts it this way, “Like arrows in the hand …
Imagine sitting about a blazing fire on a cool autumn evening, listening to the hiss and crackle of the fire. Add to it the soft strumming of a guitar and …
A splendid privilege of being a Canadian in the United States is two months of thanksgiving. It can be easy to return to taking things for granted once the holiday …
Among the many things we are grateful for, family remains high on the list. In the beginning, God knew it wasn’t good for man to be alone and formed him …
The Almighty God, creator of heaven and earth, of the the seen and the unseen, longs to have relationship with you and me. Like the Psalmist, only with hearts full …
Let us express gratitude for who God is as displayed in His creation. In Romans 1, Paul writes, “For since the creation of the world, His invisible attributes are clearly …
Entering into a new season, brings us to a time of thanksgiving. Accompany me in expressing gratitude for the wondrous gifts received from our heavenly Father. This week we focus …
Abraham finished the race. He came to know God’s voice and to heed it. He learned that what God said, was true and faithful. This faith in God gave him …