Home Bible reflection Desperation


by Esther Griggs

Naaman was a desperate man. Leprosy threatened not only his role in society but his very life.

God had the answer for Naaman’s need. It required getting to the man’s heart.

Naaman had SIGNIFICANCE to the King of Syria as a commander of the army.

God provided an Israelite slavegirl.

He was a POWERFUL man

God sent him to a humble Prophet in Israel.


God sent him to the Jordan RIVER

He wanted a QUICK FIX.

God required seven dips into the river.

God saw beyond Naaman’s need for healing. He knew he needed a revelation of the only true God.

A God to which nationality, positon nor geography matter.

A God who wants to be heeded, and requires humility.

A God who shows himself powerful, and able to meet each and every need.

A God who only requires gratitude in response.

Once Naaman’s nationality, position, and geography didn’t matter.

Once he was willing to obey the simple command of the God of the Israelites

” his flesh was restored like the flesh of a little child and he was clean!”

Naaman then declared:

“Indeed, now I know that there is no God in all the earth except in Israel.”

Whatever our need, He is the same today.

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