The Blog.

A Servant’s Song

On angel’s wings, Strong, swift and sure, The blessed message came. From heaven’s glorious courts, To humble, Jewish maid. Highly favoured one, The Lord’s with you. Blessed among women you

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“For With God…”

Today,  let us peek into heaven.  The great  “I AM” is sitting on His throne.  There is pure light,  saturated with praise.  An atmosphere of worship prevails.  Adoring angels await

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The Promise

Approximately seven hundred years before the birth of Jesus, there was a man named Isaiah.   He was a man of God, called by God, to deliver a message that would

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Christmas Gratitude

This time of year I love, much to my husband’s chagrin, getting lost in a good Christmas movie from the hallmark channel.  I enjoy the beauty of all the decorations

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Naked and Afraid

The fresh, pure fragrance of God’s creation permeated the air.  With the final establishment of mankind, rich with provision and purpose,  God declared it was very good! For Adam and

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Me and My Mom

Today my mother would be in her upper nineties if she had not passed from this life.  Rich memories come to mind.  Here is one. Spring was in the air

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I always do better in the spring; something about the strength of the sun infuses me with a new sense of purpose, renewed hope and much joy. In this emotional

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Its Your Choice

This morning when I woke up I received a gift.  It is a gift each morning brings;  a blank canvas.  In it all I hold the brush.  I can determine

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Journey to Health

You may be one of the lucky ones that doesn’t have to think about your health or so you think. Those of us who have been blessed with good health

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