As Jesus comes to the end of His life, the words of King David in Psalm 22 become a reality. He has become a reproach of men. He is laughed at. They look and stare. Soldiers cast lots for His clothes. In addition, His disciples scatter. He feels as if forsaken by His Father. Yet before the end, Jesus honoured His mother, fulfilled the law and completed His earthly purpose.

Honoured His Mother
Jesus honoured his mother. Mary said yes to God but in time, realized the price. Even as Simeon had said, a sword pierced her own soul. She stood near the cross, and her heart broke. This Son was becoming her Saviour but with His final breaths, He ensured she was cared for.
Fulfilled the Law
Jesus also fulfilled the scripture. In Matthew 5:17 He said, “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the prophets, I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.” To the end he obeyed, this time by honouring His mother. He ensured someone would care for her. John always referred to Himself as the disciple whom Jesus loved. He tells us that from that point he accepted the commission of Jesus to take Mary as his own mother.
His Earthly Purpose
Finally Jesus completed His earthly purpose. “For the joy set before Him, Jesus endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” His final words were “It is finished.”
Before the end, Jesus honoured His mother, fulfilled the law and completed His earthly purpose.