
by Esther Griggs

Faith is a major component of the Christmas story. Hebrew 11:1 tells us that

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for

the evidence of things not seen.”

When the angel Gabriel went to Zacharias, his disbelief caused the angel to quiet his tongue for several months. In contrast, when Mary heard the words of Gabriel she responded with a willing heart despite her own questions.

Later when she met Elizabeth, her words confirmed the message to Mary. She would receive a blessing because of her belief.

The promises God made to Abraham and his descendants resulted from faith. It was the fact that Abraham believed what God told him. He acted on the belief. God credited to him as righteousness.

The Christmas story, though rooted in historical fact, still demands an individual response. This Christ child came as the fulfillment to God’s promises both past and future. Each individual must receive the promises of God by faith. Our faith gives us the power to act on the promises of God. There will be good fruit when our faith mixes with God’s word to us.

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