Home love of God God As Servant

God As Servant

by Esther Griggs

Our God reigns above the three dimensional. He cannot be contained in our thoughts and ideas. Speculations beyond our understanding, dare to define the characteristics of Who He is. Jesus, descended to earth, to give us a peek into the awesomeness of our God. In John 13:1-11, the author describes an event, illuminating one small facet of our great God. Jesus, in this setting, with His knowledge, illustrated God as servant.

This Setting

The Feast of the Passover is close at hand. Jesus dines in a room with his disciples and they have just finished eating. The devil has already placed in the heart of Judas, to betray Him. He loves these men deeply, all of them. Surely it grieved Him. Still, when the temptation could have been to wallow in self pity and despair, He laid aside His own garments and took up a towel.

His Knowledge

Jesus knew His time had come to leave the world and to return to His Father. He knew that the Father had placed all things into His hands. He had come from God and was returning to Him. He would love these God had given Him, despite His knowledge of the betrayer, to the end.

God As Servant

In this setting, with these men He loved so deeply, having His knowledge of the past, present and future, He removed His garments and put on a towel. Then he poured water into a basin, began to wash their feet and wipe them with His towel.

We get a glimpse of how it made them feel. Peter doesn’t like it. It was uncomfortable. This was the Master. He knew he didn’t measure up to Him. Jesus tells Peter that some day He will understand, but for now, he needs to allow it, in order to be apart of Him. Peter figures that in such a case, Jesus should wash all of him. He wants to be all in. “You are clean, but not all of you.” Jesus knows as He bends down to wash the feet of these men He loved, how Judas, would betray Him. Still, Jesus, the fullness of God, as servant pours out His love on each one.

Jesus, in this setting, with His knowledge, illustrated God as servant.

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