Home prayer Hannah’s Story

Hannah’s Story

by Esther Griggs

Hannah’s story is found in the first two chapters of 1 Samuel. It is a story of emotional upheaval. Her barrenness, and the provocation she received from her husband’s other wife, made life unbearable. But God saw Hannah and met her need. Hannah, in her despair, was misunderstood, looked to God and before the answer came, her countenance changed.


Hannah was misunderstood. Her husband could not understand the grief of her barrenness. He loved her and gave double to her but the pain remained. He thought she should be satisfied by his love for her. Then she went to the temple and cried out to God. Eli, the priest looking on, thought she was drunk and told her to put her wine away.

Looked to God

The yearly trip to the synagogue indicated their worship of the true God. After the feast she went to the temple where she petitioned the LORD for a male child. She promised to give him back to the LORD for his whole life.

A Change in Countenance

Soon after, there was a change to Hannah’s countenance. Speaking to Eli the priest, she described herself as a woman of sorrowful spirit. He said, “Go in peace and may the God of Israel grant your petition which you have asked of Him.” Then the scripture reads, “She went her way and ate, her countenance, no longer sad.” Hannah’s face changed. Even before the birth of Samuel it changed. She had taken her burden to the LORD and trusted it to Him.

Hannah, in her despair, was misunderstood, looked to God and before the answer came, her countenance changed.

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