Noise implies a multitude of distractions which clutter our souls and disrupt our peace. Raging storms have become a metaphor for noise. Essentially, noise is anything that steals our peace. Jesus is the answer to “Noise Pollution.” He gives us not only a place to hide, but the gift of peace, and He is above the storm.

A Place to Hide
The Psalmist knew God as a refuge. In times of trouble which he described in scenes of the earth being removed, the earth being thrown into the sea, roaring waters and shaking mountains, he writes, “He is a very present help in trouble.” He refers to God also as his hiding place. He knows God will preserve him in trouble and provide songs of deliverance. God’s word to him and to us? “Be still and know that I am God.”
The Gift of Peace
Jesus became one of us. He knows the fears of our hearts, the things that trouble us, the noise that disrupts our peace. Therefore, he tells us, “Let not your heart be troubled, You believe in God, believe also in Me.” “Peace I leave with you.” He says, “My peace I give to you.” It isn’t the peace the world gives, it is eternal. Amidst a perfect storm, we can experience what Isaiah calls a “perfect peace” as we keep our mind on Him and trust Him.
He is Above the Storm
Remember when Jesus was asleep in the boat with his disciples and the storm came? These men knew these waters and the storms that haunted them. They aroused Jesus, and then they accused Him of not caring for them. Jesus arose, rebuked the wind and told the sea, “Peace, be still!” Because He is above the storm, we need only trust. The Psalmist describes trust for himself by saying, “I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with his mother.” Zephaniah states, “The King of Israel, the Lord is in your midst,… He will quiet you with His love.”
When you tire of the noise, remember that Jesus is the answer to noise pollution. Find the Hiding Place, rest in His peace, and remember He is above the storm.
Love this! Be still and know that I”am God! God”s peace is perfect! God will quiet me in the storm, and he will give me rest! Praise the Lord! God bless you Esther.
His peace, such a wonderful gift! God be with you Dolly.
Bless you Esther for your encouragement. I have found that quiet place away from all that noise that’s always trying to get in. I reflect on how great our God is. He is above all and I do trust him with all my heart and soul!
By the way, love the lighthouse.
I knew you would like that picture! I am so thankful to God for your walk with Jesus!