With Christmas in the rear view mirror and the New Year through the windshield in front of us, we ponder the road ahead. In 1 Samuel 30 King David faced a crisis on the road he was on. Verse 6 tells us he was distressed. His own people wanted to stone him. The enemy had burned their land and taken their wives captive. His road ahead disappeared. David, however, had a refuge, a high tower, a place to find strength in his weakness. “The Lord is the strength of my life,” he claimed. Therefore, he strengthened himself in the Lord. While doing so, David inquired of the Lord. The Lord answered him, and rewarded his obedience.

David related with Almighty God. He worshipped Him, spent time with God’s people, cried out to Him and sang His praises. When David messed up, God showed him and he made it right. In this story, David needed strength and direction. Perhaps as He called out to the Lord he heard, “Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me,” or the insight which caused him to write, “He shall call upon me, therefore, I will deliver him.” He knew where to go for strength and direction and asked specific questions.
The Lord Answered
When David asked for direction, he asked God exactly, “Shall I pursue this troop?, Shall I overtake them?” The next line reads, “He answered him.” God answered by giving directions and a promise. When David could not see the road ahead, God did. David’s faith brought Him to God, the Lord of Hosts, the all powerful God who sees, and answers.
God gave the direction to pursue. David did so. The result was as God promised. They recovered all!
Heart weakening crisis happened repeatedly in King David’s life. These resulted in the great Book of the Psalms from which the Lord Himself comforts us. This year I pray, no matter the road ahead, visible or not, we find ourselves finding our strength in the Lord, inquiring of Him and hearing His directions. As we follow His leadership, we shall obtain the promises. Hear these words from an old hymn “From strength to strength go on.”
While strengthening himself, David inquired of the Lord, the Lord answered him, and rewarded his obedience.
Great message to end and start a New Year
Love this Esther, it is good to go to the Lord for direction when we can’t see ahead! Many times I called out to God and He is true to His word! May God bless you!
Beautiful prayer Esther, I want this to be my New Year prayer. I will rely on my Father for his promises and strength through good and not so good times. He is my comfort!! God bless and Happy New Year!